Oh, what a laugh this tiny island called Malta is! I have been trying to get The Times to publish an article I sent in about animals for at least 6 weeks - and it never made it to the pages! And here comes Dr Jeffrey, with all due respect, who, being a Nationalist Member of Parliament - but I really think that stress should be made on the Member of Parliament, who, probably having more organs in his body than I, a simple, ordinary citizen, with just one vote to my name - has all the necessary means at his disposal to send in all kinds of articles and these are published straight away. Talk about the singer, and not the song!!! That is democracy at its best, for you, dear Jeffrey.
But anyway. Let's get down to business and speak about what Dr Schembri Orlando had to say ... about animals!
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
I have been involved in animal welfare issues for a number of years now. Last year I had the honour of presenting the largest petition ever collected on our islands, 40,000-plus signatures, which aimed at pushing specific animal welfare-related demands forward. Both the Prime Minister and the Minister for the Environment, to whom the petition was presented, were very receptive and concrete measures are being taken to help all those dedicated individuals involved in the care of abandoned animals and to provide the necessary infrastructure and amenities.
Well, indeed, that is good news that the PM and the Minister for the Environment are showing interest in animals, these last few months. Indeed, one hopes that this interest will not wane, if and once they are re-elected to Government. However, when one speaks in earnest, and far away from the media's attention, one soon gets what people behind animal sanctuaries really think about the presente administeration's interest in animals and their welfare! And believe me, these are certainly no armchair critics as you say in your article!
It hurts me to read certain letters claiming that we live in an "animal-unfriendly society". It would be foolish of me to say that there aren't some sick individuals out there who vent their twisted desires on innocent animals. These are the same type of people who are cruel to "weaker" human beings they get the opportunity to interact with.
Oh, does it really hurt you?! Well, gosh! Tough on you, Jeff! Some people really hate listening to the truth. If you think that all is rosy in little Malta with regard to animal welfare, then, pardon me, you seem to be living in some rosy garden, away from the truth and from daily life!
It is vital that, when caught, the relevant authorities deal with them in the severest manner possible in order to send a strong and clear message to this minuscule percentage of perverts who are, unfortunately, to be found all over the world.
So, let's sit on our laurels, simply because, Jeffrey says that it's just a 'miniscule percentage of perverts' - well, at least he calls them that, that's something! - and that 'unfortunately', (these are) to be found all over the world'. Is that enough reason not to call a spade a spade? Hallina.
The above-mentioned petition, the dedication shown by a large number of individuals and associations involved in animal welfare and the support being given by the government is evidence that Malta is far from being "animal-unfriendly".
Again, I disagree, and strongly. It's not signatures that are needed - animals are not going to overcome their problems merely by signatures! It's action we want, and it's actions that's needed!
It is easy for armchair critics to send denigrating letters to the press. One wonders if these individuals do anything concrete to help alleviate the situation some animals find themselves in.
Oh, yes! Very easy for politicians to SCOFF at those who voice opinions that they, the politicians, would rather not hear! Call us armchair critics, then, Jeff. And continue wondering about what such critics are doing in favour of animals.
The Animal Welfare Division of the Department of Education is doing sterling work when it comes to fostering awareness among schoolchildren. I was involved in their work and can vouch for this.
True, but it's still not enough!
Work on the National Animal Welfare Centre at Ta' Qali is expected to start in the coming weeks now that all the relevant permits have been issued by Mepa. Funds for this centre were allocated a few days after the petition I mentioned was presented and it will include boarding kennels, a veterinary clinic and an emergency department. It will also serve as an educational centre. The design, layout and position will allow the necessary extensions to the project in the future. The government will provide two trained personnel to operate a 24-hour animal ambulance service. It is also subsidising the servicing and fuelling of the ambulance.
Beautiful plans - but the government has been so disgustingly helpless these past years with regard to animals, that we, real animal-lovers, will only believe what has been promised when the project becomes a reality! Jeffrey, no Government can possibly BOAST about projects which still have not started. You can only boast on what has been implemented!
We have put our money where our mouth is and allocated €350,000 in direct aid to associations involved in the care of abandoned animals and to fund a nation-wide neutering programme in this year's budget.
Well, Jeffrey decided to describe the monies allocated for animals in Euros - no doubt, to make them appear more high in number than they actually are: LM 160,000 looks less generous than €350,000 - does it not??? Besides, again, Jeffrey may well be wrong again: from what I heard, most of the money is being channeled to neutering, rather than in 'direct aid to associations', which would be better.
The dedication and energy of the voluntary workers involved in this sector, together with the backing they are being given by the government, ...
WHAT BACKING??????????????????
... will go a long way towards alleviating the situation faced by those of our furry friends who find themselves in distress. So much more needs to be done. We'll get there because we're definitely a society which, as a whole, is far from being animal-unfriendly. Quite the opposite! Let's stop putting ourselves down.