Is-shana bdiet sew! Tista' thoss ix-xemx tahraq fuq il-qurriegha ta' rasek, tixwik wara ftit sekondi. Zgur li hadd ma jkun irid joqghod barra fuq it-tarmak jahraq nar, taht xi karozza,f'xis-saghtejn ta' wara nofsinhar.
Lanqas l-annimali. Il-klieb u l-qtates li m'huma ta' hadd, isibuha tassew difficli biex jghixu taht ix-xemx li kull ma jmur dejjem iktar qedha zzid fil-qawwa taghha.
Importanti, ghalhekk, li almenu noffru lil dawn l-imsejkna mezz kif ikunu jistghu jixorbu ilma frisk li jghinhom biex iberrdu lilhom infushom.
Kienet drawwa li mal-bieb ta' l-ghassa tal-pulizija tar-rahal, ikun hemm mejjilla tal-konkos jew tal-gebel mimlija bl-ilma, biex il-klieb ikunu jistghu jixorbu minna.
Tajjeb li forsi nistghu inhallu xi kontenitur barra, anke tal-plastik, mimli bl-ilma frisk kuljum. ... inkunu qedin nghinu hafna hafna lil dawn l-annimali li m'ghandhom l-ebda wens.
Nispicca billi nfakkar li mhux bizzejjed li jkollna annimal id-dar u niehdu hsiebu biex nuru li nhobbu lill-annimali ... l-imhabba taghna trid tmur lil hinn mill-erba' hitan ta' darna u nghinu lil dawk l-imsejkna li bla ma hu tort taghhom, qedin f'sitwazzjoni li jiggerew barra ghax m'ghandhomx familja li jghidu li hi taghhom.
Grazzi mill-qalb.
PS Niskuza ruhi ma' dawk li jhobbu l-Malti: ma kellix cans indur dan it-test u nirranga l-Malti sew. FF
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Pets are family-members, too!
A couple and their daughter were lucky to escape serious injury this evening following a fierce blaze at their home in Sta Venera.
Informed sources said that even as the fire spread the three had continued to fight it in an attempt to rescue some pets.
They eventually made it outside and were given assistance by rescuers from the Civil Protection Department and paramedics.
The sources said it appeared the fire had spread quickly. An eyewitness said he could see tongues of fire in the washroom.
The pets, however, also survived.
Neighbours were evacuated as a precaution during the fire-fighting operation.
Informed sources said that even as the fire spread the three had continued to fight it in an attempt to rescue some pets.
They eventually made it outside and were given assistance by rescuers from the Civil Protection Department and paramedics.
The sources said it appeared the fire had spread quickly. An eyewitness said he could see tongues of fire in the washroom.
The pets, however, also survived.
Neighbours were evacuated as a precaution during the fire-fighting operation.
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