Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My remarks about Animal Welfare in Malta.

Well, if you want to get to know what is really the topic, you have to start reading from below ... very far below!

What lessons do we learn from all this?

1. There is no no-kill policy for healthy animals in Malta. Dr Mario Spiteri himself admitted that there is this policy of killing animals - putting to sleep, THEY call it! - in Malta, which, to me at least, is nothing but a short cut to the problem of strays.

Obviously, responsibility for such a policy comes from the Malta Government, particularly the Minister in charge, George Pullicino.

2. We also know, now, that a few animal 'sanctuaries', such as Noah's Ark and Abandoned Animals Association have lost their 'raison d'etre' and are now playing fiddle with that other evil SPCA in agreeing with killing strays!

3. We also learn how polite and professional are some of our civil servants. Public servants such as Dr Mario Spiteri have a far way to go before being able to deal politely with Joe Citizen, who is after all a tax-payer and therefore their 'boss', in a way. But then, Malta is not known to have full democractic credentials!

So, there you have it.

For now!

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