Daphne's feelings for animals are now there for all to read. She reminds me of CRUELLA DE VIL in 101 Dalmations ...I am here reproducing some 'words of wisdom', along with those of some other poor souls who take part in her way of crushing each person and everything that picks her fancy.
Words of wisdom.
By Cruella de Vil et al.
CDV: I disapprove of shelters on principle and believe that dogs which cannot be homed should be put down, rather than being kept in concentration camps by well-meaning people who are projecting their own anthropomorphic sentiments onto them.
CDV: If he [Freddie Fenech] had no intention of caring for those kittens, he should have done the decent thing and whacked them over the head or drowned them in a bucket of water.
A.Attard: Any non-microchipped animal found roaming the streets is put down immediately.
A.Attard: The licence fee would be to finance the registry and the culling of strays.
A. Attard: I agree fully that strays should be put down. I would consider all non-microchipped animals as strays and put them down.
Amanda Mallia: Hopefully, … Freddie Fenech and his playpen (yes, children’s playpen) housing puppies will no longer be an eyesore near on the front near Fortizza / Ferro Bay on summer evenings.
Cruella de Vil on kittens:
It's much more humane to whack them over the head or drown them.
(About CDV’s solutions to terminating animal life): They're not my solutions and they're not barbaric. Humans kill animals, for food or for other reasons. You just have to find the quickest, cleanest way to do it, and with newborn kittens, it's a few seconds in a bucket of water or a one-second whack over the head.
I'm going to repeat what I said: yes, for newborn kittens it [drowning kittens after whacking them on the head] is by far the most efficient solution, which is why people do it all the time. If there weren't so many squeamish people around there would be fewer abandoned kittens: people don't want the hassle of taking a day off to queue at the vet and then paying to have six kittens 'put down', but they've been taught that a bucket of water is 'barbaric' and that putting them in a skip is somehow more acceptable.
CDV: About animal death: All death is cruel. You just have to find the least cruel way out. I'm not a vegetarian.
CDV: About killing animals leading to arrest: No because murder applies only to humans.
CDV: An injured stray should just be put down. There is no point in being sentimental. Pets are saved not because they have an intrinsic 'right to life' but because their owners love them and want them saved. Dogs have as much right to life as the cows you eat.
CDV: People in Malta are cruel to animals because our general civic and ethical awareness remains undeveloped. Our cruelty to animals is just part of a much wider and deeper problem: cruelty to children, to spouses, to colleagues, indifference to others, lack of consideration, overbearing selfishness, and grabbing and thieving. To sort out our attitude to animals, you must first sort out our attitude towards life. That is going to take some doing.
CDV: Animals do not need 'second chances'. They are animals, not humans.
CDV: I'm beginning to think that more harm is done to animals by people thinking of them in human terms than by people who treat them like animals. I reiterate my considered belief, based on 20 years of keeping dogs (FF: I pity those dogs of hers – sorry, couldn’t help that one!), that dogs are better off dead than kept packed into a compound. Dogs, as a rule, do not like other dogs. They prefer human company, though they will sometimes form a strong bond with just one other dog, not necessarily of the opposite sex but usually of the same sex.
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