Thursday, September 27, 2007

Negative criticism from abroad.


Animal abuse? No thank you
I am the chairperson of a ladies’ group having 120 members. We save our money and annually take an out-of-States vacation. We were considering your beautiful country until I read about the abuse suffered by your animals: dogs, cats, birds, etc. We voted and agreed this was not acceptable to us. We have also started a campaign to teach others of these abuses. We will continue teaching others about these abuses until we are satisfied that you have changed your policies.
Jamey MendenhallUnited States

COMMENT: My initial reaction to such a letter is: how true, how right, serves us right! Well done! In Malta, we have such a poor standard of animal awareness and animal rights. Such a situation is over-powering on such a small island as ours: NINTNU BL-INTIENA TA' NUQQAS TA' ĦARSIEN TA' L-ANNIMALI!!!!!

Point made, I hope.


BUT .....

To state that you will boycott our country because there is poor animal respect is not only being STUPID AND IDIOTIC, but also NONSENSICAL AND DISGUSTINGLY UNJUST.

As if animal abuse is rife only in our country! As if animal abuse is not carried out, WITH the blessings of the national administrations, in other countries!!!!

So, with the same logic, don't go to SPAIN, where there is sooooooo much animal respect when it comes to bullfights, bull runs, .... need I mention more?

So, don't go to the UNITED KINGDOM, where there is soooooooooo much animal respect with it comes to fox hunts, rearing animals in captivity for their coats, etc ....

So, don't go anywhere in CANADA, where there is, indeeeeeeed, sooooooooooo much animal respect when it comes to the cruel, atrocious way of murdering seals, and seal puppies, again for their coats.

So, don't go anywhere AT ALL, in the world, because animal cruelty is rampant everywhere around the globe, Malta included ... but ALSO Malta, yes, because Malta is inhabited by human beings and yes, wherever there are human beings, generally, you also find cruelty of all sorts - to animals and to honest, law-abiding and innocent human beings alike.

As a conclusion, I wonder if this Jamie Mendenhall actually wears anything that ever came from animal pelt! That would really give us an idea about how really animal-respecting she and her cronies are!

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