This time, the pictures is taken from an activity where an animal rights group Peta protest in front of the Australian embassy in Jakarta against Australia's alleged live export of sheep and cattle to the Middle East and South Asia.
This picture, too, has a message for us, the Maltese people.
Have we ever stopped to wonder how animals and living things are IMPORTED into the country? Have we ever stopped to wonder how birds are imported? In what state they arrive in Malta?
Are the authorities doing their utmost to ensure that animals are not hurt or in some way put in uncomfortable conditions when it comes to importation?
And what about the importation of exotic animals? WHY, first of all, should Malta import exotic animals? WHY should there be dogs which, we know, are alien to our hot climate? And yet, we DO see such dogs around us. Not only that, but we often see them on local television, to boot!
More about these atrocities, later.
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